Monday, October 19, 2015

Marvelous Malia!!

Malia had a great week as Marvelous Me!  Her bright pink poster taught us all about her!  Malia loves her family!  She went on a fun plane ride to Colorado with them to go skiing!  Malia is a soccer player and likes to play with her dolls.  Malia's favorite food is tacos and her favorite drink is lemonade.  Malia also likes giraffes, bright colors, and her BFF!

Malia's mom took time out of her busy day to speak to us about her job.  She works for SBA Disaster Assistance.  She talked to us about different disasters and how she helps people affected by them.  Did you see the disaster plan kit she gave to your child?

We had a lot of fun with an activity to make "lava" bubbles!  We mixed oil, water, salt and food coloring.  Below you can see an example!

She also used a water bottle with glitter and water to simulate a tornado…you could see the "funnel cloud" and "debris" swirling around!

Thank you so much for such a fun morning!

We had a fun learning about a serious topic!

Tenery the Turtle was dressed and ready for his weekend with the Hudson family!


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