Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Super Star Scientist David!

Objective:  Can static electricity move an object?
Materials:  empty soda can, blown up balloon, and a head of hair!

David was set and ready with his lab coat, safety goggles, and materials for his experiment!

First, David rubbed the balloon through his hair...

…and rubbed it a little more…

…and even a little more!!

Next, he held the balloon close to the can.

The balloon with the static pulled the empty can across the table!

He showed us again...

…and the can rolled!

Because of the static, another balloon stuck to David's hand!

Conclusion:  Rubbing the balloon really fast on a head of hair caused static electricity.  The static then pulled the empty can closer to the balloon!

Great job, David!
This was so fun and definitely something we could each try at home!


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