Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Super Star Scientist Wyatt!

Objective:  How does the shape of an object affect how the object falls through the air.

Materials:  8 - 1 ft. pieces of string, 2 square handkerchiefs, and 2 clothes pins

Wyatt had his lab coat on and all his materials ready!

First, Wyatt, tied a knot in one handkerchief, attached strings to each corner, and then tied the loose ends of the strings together and attached them to a clothespin. 

Then he did the same thing to a handkerchief that did NOT have a knot in it.  

He carefully tied the knots…

…and attached them to the clothespin.

Next, Wyatt's assistant, Mom, threw the parachute without the knot in the air

…and it floated down nice and slow.

Then Wyatt dropped the handkerchief with the knot and it fell quickly to the ground without catching much air.

Conclusion:  The handkerchiefs fall at different speeds because the one without the knot catches more air.

Great job Wyatt!
You were a great scientist!!


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