Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Super Star Scientist Baylie!

Objective:  What happens when you mix dry ice and water and then add soap?

Materials:  dry ice, warm water, soap, tube, funnel, small cup, bottle, and gloves

Baylie had all of her materials ready and her lab coat on!

First, Baylie added dish soap to the small cup of water.

Then she stirred it with her finger!

Next, her assistant, Dad, carefully added dry ice to the large bottle of water.

Baylie showed us how she can put her hand on the "smoke".

After that, she and her assistant covered the bottle with a funnel and placed the smaller end in the small cup.

When Baylie pulled the smaller funnel out,
it made large bubbles...

…and she could pop them!
(and she let each of us pop one too!)

Just for fun, she added more soap and more dry ice to the large bottle...

…and look what happened!!

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!!

Conclusion:  Dry ice in water creates gas!

Baylie…you did a GREAT job!
You knew all the information about your experiment and did a super job teaching all of us!!


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