Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Super Star Scientist Newt!

Objective:  How to keep the water inside a glass when turned upside down with/by pressure

Materials:  piece of cardboard, glass of water, bowl

Newt had his materials ready and his lab coat on.
He was anxious to show his experiment to his classmates!

First, Newt's assistant, Dad, poured water into a small glass.

Next, Newt placed a piece of cardboard on top of the glass.

After that, he turned the glass upside down.

And look at that!!  
Newt let go of the cardboard, and it stayed against the glass! 

Way to go Newt!
You did a SUPER job!

Conclusion:  The air pressure outside of the glass is greater than the pressure of the water inside.  The air pressure keeps the water in the glass.


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