Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Tuesday in class we read the book
Chrysanthemum is a little girl who thought her name was "absolutely perfect" until she went to school and all the kids made fun of her.  

We talked about how unkind words can "wrinkle" someone's heart.  We also talked about how kind words can fix those wrinkles, but the wrinkles will never completely go away.  The class brainstormed kind things to say to help Chrysanthemum's heart feel better.  Below is a picture of what we did in class together.
Hopefully this was a tangible lesson for the kids to "see" the effects that kind and unkind words can have on a friend's heart.

We also did a graphing lesson about names to go along with the story.  The students had to find the letters of their names in a pile of letters then graph them in order on our classroom name graph.  We discussed "most", "least", "equal", and "how many more/less".  They all did a great job!


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