Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Marvelous Joshua!!

Joshua is our first Marvelous Me of the school year, and he sure started us off great!  Joshua brought a poster to show us a little more about himself.

Joshua loves his mom & dad, 2 brothers and his baby sister!  Joshua likes soccer and football and likes to snack on Oreos and Milano cookies.  Joshua has lots of cousins that he likes to spend time with.  Joshua is a native Texan and loves swimming, Spider Man, and Cars, the movie!

We were so lucky to have Dr. Ayo, Joshua's dad, come speak to us today about his job.  He talked to us about hospitals and his job as a lung doctor. 

He let us ask questions... 

…and let Emma listen to Joshua's heart & breathing with a real stethoscope! 

Joshua and his dad brought each child a doctor's kit to take home!  What a treat!  

Thank you Ayo family for a great morning!
We appreciate your time and generosity!  


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