Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Delaney did a GREAT job as our Super Star Scientist after having performed in BIG chapel…it was a busy day for her!

Experiment:  New Mix
Objective:  To see what happens when you look through two colors at once

First, Delaney poured water into a bowl.

She then added blue food coloring to the water.

Next, she poured water into a small cup and added yellow food coloring.

Lastly, she placed the blue cup into the yellow bowl and the two colors reflected the color green
(picture will be posted at a later time)

To show the class that yellow + blue = green, Delaney poured the blue water into the yellow water…and then we had green!

The water in the cup looked green.  The yellow water reflected yellow light which combined with the blue light reflection of the blue water, making the combination of light look like green water.


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