Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Christopher came in ready to be our Super Star Scientist!  
He had on his goggles and lab coat!

Experiment:  Naked Egg
Objective:  Dissolving the shell of an egg with vinegar

First, Christopher showed us how he had poured vinegar into a jar and soaked an egg for 24+ hours at home. 
(He added food coloring for fun!)

Next, he took out the egg that had been soaking and let us feel it.  The vinegar had dissolved the shell of the egg, but the inner lining remained.

Then he placed the egg in a dish and used a knife to open it up!

 He left an egg soaking in vinegar in our classroom so that we can watch the shell dissolve.
We will be able to see the pieces of the shell floating in the vinegar as it dissolves!

When the shell of the egg dissolves, the inner lining of the egg is still present and holds the egg together.


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