Thursday, January 16, 2014

Well, apparently our Teddy Bears make themselves at home while we're not in the classroom!  Take a look at where we found them this morning!

Christopher's bear was studying Phonics!

Bella's bear thought SHE was the birthday girl!

Haley's bear was doing arts and crafts IN the arts and crafts!

Joseph's bear was checking out his next vacation spot!

Greenleigh's bear was pretending to be a mommy! 

Finley's bear was hanging out with our class bunnies!

Delaney's bear has hand sanitizer ready for all of our friends!

Hannah's bear was weighing herself IN the scale!

Christian's bear built a fun game!

Will's bear was reading about The Very Cranky Bear! 

Jack's bear was feeling patriotic!

Barrett's bear was playing in the sand box!

Ethan's bear was reading about how to solve problems!

Jonathan's bear was eating up so he'll be ready for hibernation!

Macey's bear was leading a bear Bible study!


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