Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment: Cola Geysers
Objective: What makes a geyser explode?
Materials: 3 - 2 liter bottles of cola, 15 Mentos, 1 piece of paper, scotch tape, and a business card

Our Super Star Scientist, Jackson, took us outside for his science experiment!  He had his materials set out and his safety gear on.

First, our scientist came over to us on the sidewalk and told us what we were going to be learning about!

After his explanation, he and his assistant, Mom, got started! Mom placed the business card over the cola bottle opening and ...

...placed the rolled piece of paper on top of it.  After that, Jackson placed 5 Mentos into the tube.

Then he pulled the card out so the Mentos would fall into the bottle of soda...

...and we had a geyser!

He repeated the experiment with Cherry Dr Pepper, and he made a red geyser!

The third time was the charm though!
The Diet Dr Pepper exploded way up high...the kids said,
"It went higher than Mrs. Tenery!"

Such a fun experiment, Jackson!

Conclusion: When gases form quickly, they become trapped and an eruption takes place.


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