Monday, January 30, 2017

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment: Up, Up, and Away
Objective:  To create gas to fill a balloon.
Materials:  bottle, 5 Tbs vinegar, 1 Tbs baking soda, and 1 balloon

Scientist Harper is all set with her experiment materials, lab coat, and goggles.

First, Harper showed us what a funnel is and what it is used for.

Next, she and her assistant, Mom, measured out 5 tablespoons of vinegar...

...and poured them in the 2 liter bottle.

Next, they measured out 1 tablespoon of baking soda and carefully put it in the balloon.

After that, Harper's assistant carefully placed the balloon over the top of the bottle.

Harper explained what was going to happen next once she poured the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle with the will make a gas!

Harper then dumped the baking soda...

...the gas bubbled and inflated the balloon...

...and kept inflating...

...and kept inflating!!

Look at that!  
That's the face of a successful scientist!

Conclusion:  Mixing vinegar and baking soda create an expanding gas, carbon dioxide, which expands and fills the balloon.


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