Monday, January 23, 2017

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment: Elephant's Toothpaste
Objective:  What happens when you mix hydrogen peroxide, soap, and yeast?
Materials: plastic bottles, hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food coloring, dry yeast, funnel, gloves, tarp, and measuring spoons

McKenna, our scientist, had her lab coat, goggles, and materials all set up and ready to go!

First, McKenna's assistant added 4 oz. of hydrogen peroxide to the 1 liter plastic bottles.

Next, McKenna added a squirt of dish soap.

After that our scientist added a few drops of food coloring.

Then she carefully mixed her solution.

Next McKenna and her 3 assistants added a yeast & warm water mixture to the peroxide & dish soap solution.

Look what happened....

...and kept happening!


McKenna made us Elephant Toothpaste!!

Thank you to the Booth Family for such a fun experiment!

Conclusion: The reaction forms oxygen filled bubbles which make up the foam.


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