Tuesday, September 20, 2016

It has been a MARVELOUS week
with Marvelous Noah!

Noah brought in this great poster to help us get to know him a little bit better!  We learned that Noah lives with his mom, dad, brother, Gabe, sister, Sophie, dogs, Cato & Bailey, and fish, Jack!  What a full house they have!  Noah LOVES to play with his big brother whenever he can!  Noah's favorite vacation was to Great Wolf Lodge, and he really enjoys spending time at the deer lease!  Some of Noah's favorite things are sweet treats, music, and playing games.  Noah is athletic, too.  He likes soccer, baseball, and SCS football games!

Today, Noah's mom & dad came in and talked to us about their jobs.

Noah's dad, Mr. Gonzalez, told us that he is in commercial real estate.

He also told us about a few of his favorite things to do:

1. He likes to go to the deer lease with his boys.

2. He likes to coach & play soccer with Noah.

3. He likes to box!

Noah in turn showed us his one-two punch!
Noah likes to practice with his dad!

And then, each friend got to get a chance to box!


Jackson S. 







Jackson L.


After all that fun, Mrs. Gonzalez told us about her job here at SCS in the Human Resources Department!  She helps new & current employees!

And then she told us how much her family loves SCS, and they have a lot of SCS spirit!  She brought a friend that also has a lot of SCS spirit...

...Zeke the Eagle!!

Noah & Zeke

Mrs. Tenery's whole class showed they have

They had a few questions for Zeke!

 And,who knew...

...Zeke can DAB!!

Each student got to take home a goodie bag with...
sweet treats, a soccer bouncy ball, an SCS water bottle, & an Eagle Nation pencil!

A BIG thank you to the Gonzalez family for a SUPER FUN morning!  We appreciate you spending time with us!


Allison said...

Oh what a fun day! The eagle and kids doing the Dab is hilarious!

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