Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Marvelous Harper!

First thing this morning we had a MARVELOUS time getting to know Harper and her family!  
Harper brought this super cute poster to help us get to know her better!

First we learned that Harper LOVES her two pugs, Jack and Dani, and enjoys taking them for walks with her dad!  She also loves to go to the beach in Seaside, doing gymnastics, riding her bike, and going swimming. Harper and her mom like to sing and color together, and they all like to go to Cross Fit and exercise together! Harper has 2 older sisters, Lauren and Zoe, a grandmother in Arkansas, and grandparents here in Fort Worth!  Harper is surrounded by people who love her!  Harper loves to write books & has a great imagination!

Harper's dad is a real estate investor.  
He is busy with properties all around Fort Worth!

Harper's mom does Patient Registration at Cooks Children's Hospital.  She has worked there for 13 years and loves it!
She told us there is a Build-a-Bear, Starbucks, a salon, and play areas at the hospital.  They take really good care of their patients!

Each student is bringing home a coloring book & sticker from the sweet people at Build-a-Bear at the hospital!

We enjoyed our morning with the Champagnes!
Thanks for spending your time with us!


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