Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Marvelous Natalie!!

Natalie taught us a little more about herself with this super cute pink & purple poster!  We learned that Natalie lives with her mom, dad, sister, Emily, and her sweet dog, Winnie (short for Winston!).  She has grandparents & cousins who love her, too!  Natalie likes to swim and golf.  She loves "Shake it Off" by Taylor Swift, Halloween, baby dolls, and her Barbie Dream House!  Natalie's favorite foods are spaghetti, ice cream sundaes (on Sunday, of course!), apples, carrots, and Chick-fil-A!  Thank you Natalie for teaching us more about YOU!!

We were lucky today to have 1st Lieutenant Crick 
come speak to us about his job!
  We learned that when Mr. Crick walks in a room at work, he gets saluted!  We are very thankful for his service in the army.

1st Lieutenant Crick is in the army reserve and works as a nurse anesthetist ... he assists the doctor in putting patients to sleep (and waking them up) for surgery.

Mr. Crick works both for the army and at Harris Methodist Hospital Fort Worth.

He brought the following medical instruments to show us:

*a stethoscope

*masks & "balloons" used to put patients to sleep

*a finger tip pulse oximeter that measures heart rate & oxygen levels.

 *surgical gloves and hats 

*a stethoscope for each student

The kids had a lot of fun trying to find their heartbeats and the heartbeats of their friends, Mr. Crick, and Mrs. Tenery!


Wyatt & Evan


A BIG thank  you to the Crick family for a fun morning!
Thank you for sharing your time with us!!


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