Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Super Star Scientist Keaton!

Objective:  What happens to air under pressure?

Materials:  string, tape, straw, balloon, & 2 chairs

First, Keaton slid a straw onto a string and tied the string between 2 chairs.

Next, he inflated a balloon and taped it to the straw.
(he pinched the opening of the balloon, he didn't tie it)

Then he got ready to let go of the balloon!


And when he let go, ZOOM! went the balloon down the string on the straw!

He tried it a 2nd time without as much air in the balloon and it didn't go as far!

Conclusion:  The balloon blasts along the string because the balloon's elastic skin pushes the air out by force.

Way to go, Keaton!
You were a great SCIENTIST and taught us a lot!


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