Friday, January 29, 2016

Take a look at these here
Cowboys & Cowgirls!
I'll tell you Ladies & Gents,
there's not a cuter Posse than this one here!

Anna, David, Zoey, and Taylor

Daphne, Sam, and Emma

Malia, Wyatt, Baylie, and Newt

Keaton, Libby, Brock, and Joshua

The Gals

The Dudes

The Entire Posse

This town ain't big enough for these two!

We are loving Keaton's new smile!
He lost his top front tooth last night!

These kiddos are growing and changing every day!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

This morning we celebrated our final 
Summer 1/2  Birthday!!

Today we had a little party for Brock!
He is the BIG 6 1/2!

Look at that great birthday smile
his friends all around him!

We sang to Brock then celebrated with

Brock…we hope all you 1/2 birthday wishes come true!
On Wednesday during our 
Life Science Class,
we learned more about animals adapting for the winter weather.

Mrs. Rall taught us about how fat keeps some animals warm during the winter by doing an experiment with us.

First, we all stuck our "naked" hands in a bucket of 
Brrrrrrrr….it was very cold without anything on our hands!

Wyatt, Keaton, Libby, Joshua, & Brock

Anna, Zoey, & Taylor

Malia & Emma

David, Sam, Daphne, Newt, & Baylie

After that, Mrs. Rall put a glove on each of us and covered it with "fat" (Crisco).  Then we put our hands in the cold water again.  This time the water didn't feel as cold because of that layer of "winter fat" we put on!
















What a fun afternoon in the Science Lab learning more about winter adaptations!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Super Star Scientist Keaton!

Objective:  What happens to air under pressure?

Materials:  string, tape, straw, balloon, & 2 chairs

First, Keaton slid a straw onto a string and tied the string between 2 chairs.

Next, he inflated a balloon and taped it to the straw.
(he pinched the opening of the balloon, he didn't tie it)

Then he got ready to let go of the balloon!


And when he let go, ZOOM! went the balloon down the string on the straw!

He tried it a 2nd time without as much air in the balloon and it didn't go as far!

Conclusion:  The balloon blasts along the string because the balloon's elastic skin pushes the air out by force.

Way to go, Keaton!
You were a great SCIENTIST and taught us a lot!

We were so lucky this week to have a 
BIG 2nd grader, Delaney,
come read to our class!

She read If You Give a Pig a Party !

The class decided to give a group hug as a Thank You!

This week we are learning about
MORE THAN & less than in math.

We used the 100s chart on the SMART board, to find numbers MORE than 50.



Look at David's new smile!
He lost his 2nd bottom tooth!

We love your new smile, David!

Monday, January 25, 2016

We had another FUN 
1/2 Birthday Celebration!
Baylie is officially 6 1/2 this month!

We love summer birthday fun in the winter!

Baylie had fun in her birthday crown all day!

Baylie brought us all yummy cupcakes as a birthday treat!

Baylie…we hope all your half birthday wishes come true! ;)

Friday, January 22, 2016

 Today we celebrated another summer 

 Zoey is officially 6 1/2!!

We had fun celebrating and singing to Zoey!

We even had an ice cream treat!

We hope all your "half birthday" wishes come true!

On Thursday, the kindergarten students got a lesson from a dental hygienist about taking care of our teeth!

She taught us:

*not to be afraid
 *how to brush our teeth
(in circles on the inside and outside, including our gums!)
 *how long we should brush
(2 minutes!)
 *how many times a day we should brush
(at least 2 times/day!)
    *how to floss

Keaton demonstrated proper brushing technique on the stuffed animal with a really big toothbrush!

Each student was sent home with a goodie bag which included a new toothbrush!