Thursday, November 5, 2015

Marvelous Sam!!

Sam brought a SUPER poster filled with SUPER HEROES!  Sam loves Super Man, Spider Man, Captain America, The Hulk, and all the other SUPER characters!  Sam also loves his SUPER mom, dad, and brother, Topher!!  Sam enjoys dressing up for birthdays and Halloween!  He was a pirate on his 5th birthday and "Sam I Am" one Halloween…how clever!    Sam, we enjoyed learning more about you this week!

Sam's mom came to tell us about TCU, where she works.  She also wanted to teach us a TCU cheer, but she thought she needed a little help, so...

…she called in two TCU cheerleaders to help her out!
They taught us a cheer they use at TCU football games!

Since we were still having a little trouble learning the cheer, the cheerleaders thought maybe they needed to call in some additional help, so….

…they called in SUPER FROG!! 

With all 3 of them, we learned that cheer, no problem!!

They were all so SUPER and posed with us for a class picture!

Sam posed with SUPER FROG

…and so did Mrs. Tenery!
(I did confess to them that I'm an Aggie!)

After Super Frog and the cheerleaders left, Mrs. Perkins read us a great TCU book about good sportsmanship!

As a special treat, Mrs. Perkins also brought us yummy purple cupcakes and…

TCU cups with goodies inside!

A BIG thank you to Super Frog and the cheerleaders

…and to Mrs. Perkins & Sam for a 
SUPER Marvelous Me day!

I wonder if Tenery the Turtle is going to be a TCU fan after spending the weekend with Sam?  Hmmmm….. 


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