Friday, November 20, 2015

Marvelous Anna!!

What a fun week we had with Anna as our Marvelous Me!  Anna's sweet poster told us a lot about her and her fun family!  Anna lives with her mom, dad, and little brother, Jeremiah.  Anna loves animals.  She has 2 dogs at her house and 2 others that are like family to her!  Anna loves to go to the beach…she has even gone swimming with dolphins!  Anna is a BIG Aggie fan and likes the Texas Rangers, too (just like her teacher)!!  Anna is also a soccer player!  

On Thursday, Anna's mom and dad came to visit our classroom.  Anna's dad is a veterinarian!  He told us about his job caring for animals…of all sizes!

He showed us an x-ray of their dog, Drew.  She had a cracked rib.  The students were fascinated by the x-ray and loved being able to see the bones and organs!

I think what they loved most though, was the special visit from Drew!  What a sweet, sweet dog!  She is about 12 years old and is a Hurricane Katrina rescue dog!  What a blessing for her to have been saved and living with such a caring family!

Each of the students got their very own monogrammed scrubs hat and got to love on Drew!  

She really seemed to enjoy all the attention!
Isn't she cute in her SCS spirit wear!

Thank you so much to the White family for a fun morning!

Dr. Anna, we hope you have a great time introducing Drew to
Tenery the Turtle!


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