Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Scientist Jonathan was ready with his lab coat and materials!
His materials were:  a 1-meter ramp, Hot Wheels car, meter stick, blocks, Science journal and pencil.

Experiment:  Hot Wheels Lab (Third Law of Motion)
Objective:  How the height of a ramp will affect the distance traveled by a Hot Wheel

First, Jonathan put his meter ramp on 1 block and let the Hot Wheel go!

He asked Will to help him measure how far it went.
It traveled 24 inches.

Next, he added another block under his ramp

…and let it go.  
This time it traveled farther!
He and Barrett measured its distance…it traveled 57 inches!

Jonathan again added another block.  Now the ramp was 3 blocks high!
The Hot Wheel again traveled even further!

Jonathan and Haley measured that it traveled 71 inches!

Jonathan added a 4th block under his ramp.
and released the Hot Wheel from the starting line.

He and Ethan measured its distance…it traveled 79 inches!

For his finale, Jonathan put 5 blocks under his ramp and let 2 Hot Wheels go at the same time!

And off they went!!!

The height of the ramp will affect the distance traveled by a Hot Wheel.


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