Saturday, March 22, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Scientist Haley was ready with her lab coat, goggles, and  assistants (mom and nanny)!  
Her materials were:  clear plastic 1 Liter bottle, bowl of water, and a flexible drinking straw.

Experiment:  Test Your Lungs
Objective:  To find out how much air your lungs can hold.

First, Haley's assistant filled the plastic bottle with water.
Haley then turned the bottle upside down into the bowl of water with the lid on.

Next, Haley unscrewed the lid keeping the bottle submerged in the bowl of water.

Then she inserted the drinking straw into the plastic bottle.

After that, she took a deep breath and blew into the straw until she was out of breath!
She was able to replace all the water in the bottle with the air she blew out!  Wow!  She's got great lungs!

Next she decided to try it all over again with a 2 Liter bottle!

She was able to replace a little more than half the water with the air she breathed out!

Haley asked Mrs. Tenery to give it a try!!  I was able to completely fill the 2 Liter bottle…but I was winded and a little dizzy afterward!! I guess I better start exercising more!! ;)

A space forms at the top of the bottle showing us how much air you are able to hold in your lungs in one breath.


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