Thursday, March 6, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Hannah was ready with all of her materials and her assistants (dad and sister!).  Her materials were:  yeast, sugar, warm water, a cup and lid, bowl and rubber glove (balloon).

Experiment:  Watching Yeast
Objective:  As the yeast feeds, the carbon dioxide it produces will fill up the balloon.

First, Hannah measured out 2 teaspoons of yeast,

1 teaspoon of sugar,

and 2 tablespoons of warm water and mixed those 3 ingredients together in the cup.

Next she placed the lid (which had a hole in the top) on the cup

…and then placed the rubber glove (balloon) over the top of the cup. 

After that, Hannah placed the cup in a bowl of warm water.

We waited 15 minutes and gradually saw the glove fill with air!  It looked like it was waving at us!!

Afterward, Hannah took the lid off and showed the class how the yeast rose and how yummy it smelled…just like freshly baked bread!!

Germs can breathe in air and breathe out carbon dioxide just like humans do.  There are good germs and bad germs.  These yeast are good germs that help make bread.


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