Friday, March 28, 2014

Mrs. Tenery's class has

We all showed our spirit in our 
Sports Shirts

The teams we represented are:

Texas Rangers, Green Bay Packers, Westside Little League, TCU
Air Force, Nebraska Cornhuskers, and
Texas A&M (whoop!)!! 

Hip Hip Hooray for
Macey and Finley!

They are Super Star Readers and earned their ice cream sundaes today!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I scream, you scream, Christian screams for ice cream!!!

Keep up the great reading…
you're a Super Star Reader!!

Super Star Scientist

Scientist Jonathan was ready with his lab coat and materials!
His materials were:  a 1-meter ramp, Hot Wheels car, meter stick, blocks, Science journal and pencil.

Experiment:  Hot Wheels Lab (Third Law of Motion)
Objective:  How the height of a ramp will affect the distance traveled by a Hot Wheel

First, Jonathan put his meter ramp on 1 block and let the Hot Wheel go!

He asked Will to help him measure how far it went.
It traveled 24 inches.

Next, he added another block under his ramp

…and let it go.  
This time it traveled farther!
He and Barrett measured its distance…it traveled 57 inches!

Jonathan again added another block.  Now the ramp was 3 blocks high!
The Hot Wheel again traveled even further!

Jonathan and Haley measured that it traveled 71 inches!

Jonathan added a 4th block under his ramp.
and released the Hot Wheel from the starting line.

He and Ethan measured its distance…it traveled 79 inches!

For his finale, Jonathan put 5 blocks under his ramp and let 2 Hot Wheels go at the same time!

And off they went!!!

The height of the ramp will affect the distance traveled by a Hot Wheel.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1……
…and we were off to the moon! We sat as astronauts do in their rocket seats and watched a blast off on YouTube!!  Our seats shook and we traveled at record speeds to the moon!

We were fueled and ready for the long trip after eating a STARBURST for extra energy! 

Are helmets were on and we were ready for our moon exploration! 

We each found a moon rock on our visit and saw big craters on the moon's surface!















This week we had 5 friends earn their ice cream sundaes!  I am so proud of all these
Super Star Readers!!


Jack, Delaney, and Christopher


Super Star Scientist

Scientist Haley was ready with her lab coat, goggles, and  assistants (mom and nanny)!  
Her materials were:  clear plastic 1 Liter bottle, bowl of water, and a flexible drinking straw.

Experiment:  Test Your Lungs
Objective:  To find out how much air your lungs can hold.

First, Haley's assistant filled the plastic bottle with water.
Haley then turned the bottle upside down into the bowl of water with the lid on.

Next, Haley unscrewed the lid keeping the bottle submerged in the bowl of water.

Then she inserted the drinking straw into the plastic bottle.

After that, she took a deep breath and blew into the straw until she was out of breath!
She was able to replace all the water in the bottle with the air she blew out!  Wow!  She's got great lungs!

Next she decided to try it all over again with a 2 Liter bottle!

She was able to replace a little more than half the water with the air she breathed out!

Haley asked Mrs. Tenery to give it a try!!  I was able to completely fill the 2 Liter bottle…but I was winded and a little dizzy afterward!! I guess I better start exercising more!! ;)

A space forms at the top of the bottle showing us how much air you are able to hold in your lungs in one breath.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Greenleigh had a fun treat on the day after Spring Break…she earned her
Super Star Reader Sundae!

Way to go Greenleigh!
Keep up your SUPER reading!

Happy Birthday to Finley!

Finley celebrated her 6th birthday over Spring Break on March 14!

Finley proudly wore her birthday crown!

We had fun singing to Finley while she displayed her 6 fingers for all to see!

We hope all your birthday wishes come true!

Haley made sure the Tooth Fairy had something to do for Spring Break!
She visited Haley for the FIRST time!

How fun Haley!  We love your new smile!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday, Barrett!!

We are so glad we got to celebrate you!
Barrett turns 6 during Spring Break…
March 14!!

We started our celebration with the Happy Birthday song!
Barrett is holding up his 6 fingers proudly!!

Barrett brought donuts to share with the class…yum!!

We hope all of your Birthday Wishes come true, Barrett!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Hannah was ready with all of her materials and her assistants (dad and sister!).  Her materials were:  yeast, sugar, warm water, a cup and lid, bowl and rubber glove (balloon).

Experiment:  Watching Yeast
Objective:  As the yeast feeds, the carbon dioxide it produces will fill up the balloon.

First, Hannah measured out 2 teaspoons of yeast,

1 teaspoon of sugar,

and 2 tablespoons of warm water and mixed those 3 ingredients together in the cup.

Next she placed the lid (which had a hole in the top) on the cup

…and then placed the rubber glove (balloon) over the top of the cup. 

After that, Hannah placed the cup in a bowl of warm water.

We waited 15 minutes and gradually saw the glove fill with air!  It looked like it was waving at us!!

Afterward, Hannah took the lid off and showed the class how the yeast rose and how yummy it smelled…just like freshly baked bread!!

Germs can breathe in air and breathe out carbon dioxide just like humans do.  There are good germs and bad germs.  These yeast are good germs that help make bread.