Thursday, February 27, 2014

A couple employees from 
Dr. Stroud's dental office came to school today to talk to us about good dental health!

First, they taught us about the parts of the tooth and why each part is important to take care of.  They taught us how to gently brush our teeth, gums, and tongue using circular motions.

Next they taught us about flossing.  Joseph, Will, and Haley were giant teeth and Ms. Kelly used a jumprope as floss!  
It was a great way to model proper flossing! 

Then they did a science experiment!  They made toothpaste for an elephant!!

Finally they talked about healthy and not-so-healthy food choices for our teeth!

Candy is full of sugar, so they told us to brush right after we eat it!

Fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots are great choices!

Soda is not a good choice for our teeth, so we need to brush right away after drinking it!  Water is our best choice!

The kids really enjoyed the presentation so be sure and ask your child about it!
Super Star Reader,
earned his ice cream sundae this week!

Way to go!!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Jack was ready to show us his experiment.  He had his materials ready (2 funnels and a tube) and his goggles and lab coat on for safety!

Experiment:  Heart Sounds
Objective:  To capture sound waves to hear your heat beat

First, Jack connected the two funnels with a piece of tubing.

Next, he put one funnel to his ear and placed the other on his heart.  The sound waves were captured to hear his heartbeat.

Jack's assistant, Mom, helped Bella try to hear her heart beating.

Finally, Jack assisted his classmate, Greenleigh, to help her find her heart beat.
Maybe Jack will follow in Mom's foot steps and be a doctor, too…he is sure looking the part!

The sound waves are transmitted through the tube directly to your ear.  This is how you can hear your heart pumping blood through your body.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Look at this group of 
Honest Abes!
We've had a great time learning about our country, presidents, coins, and U.S. symbols!

Will, Delaney, Finley, Ethan, and Christopher

Hannah, Joseph, Jonathan, Haley, and Jack

Christian, Greenleigh, Barrett, Macey, and Bella
Today was 
To end our week of learning about the letter V,
we all wore 
to celebrate!

Below are pictures of each of us and a drawing of the 
we are wearing!
















Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Super Star Scientist

Joseph was ready to go with his experiment materials, lab coat, and goggles.

Experiment:  Pencil Touch Test
Objective:  Discover where the sense of touch is strongest

First, Joseph asked his assistant (Dad) to close his eyes.
He then touched him with 2 pencils on his hand and asked him how many pencils he felt.  When the pencils were far apart, Dad answered, "Two".  Joseph continued to put the pencils closer together and continued to ask the same question.  As the pencils got closer, and Joseph asked again how many pencils he felt, Dad answered, "One".  But the class could clearly see there were 2 pencils touching him! 

Joseph continued the experiment on his dad's arm,...


…and leg! 

The experiment worked the same way no matter where on his body he performed the experiment! 

Of course, some classmates wanted to participate too!
This is a great experiment to try at home!

Your sense of touch is strongest in areas where the nerve endings are close together.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

And the reading continues!!!
Delaney and Haley
earned another ice cream sundae
for their Super Star Reading!

Way to go girls!!

In celebrating
Presidents' Day,
we made 3-corner hats…
just like
George Washington 
(notice the white hair in the back…like his powdered wig!)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Kindergartners truly are the 
Look at this awesome talent that 
performed for our class on Thursday!

He brought a spoon from home and hung it from his nose!!
Look!  No hands!!

Happy Valentine's Day 
Mrs. Tenery's Class!!

We started our Valentine celebrations on February 13 with 
Cupid Floats!
They were delicious…made with vanilla ice cream, cherry 7-UP, whipped cream and a cherry to top it off!
Thank  you Mrs. Mourer!!

And then it was Valentine's Day!!
We had a fun day of passing out Valentines to our friends,
meeting with our Big Buddies, listening to a story, making a craft, eating a snack, and writing little love notes to our families!
Thank you Mrs. Basden (and all the parents who helped) for putting so much time and thought into planning our party!

We had so much fun!!

We had a Birthday Boy this Week!
turned 6 years old on February 13!

 Jack proudly displayed his birthday card and hat!

 Jack's friends were excited to sing and celebrate with Jack!

 Thank you to the Lewis Family for bringing a cookie cake to share with the class!!  

We hope all your birthday wishes come true!!