Friday, November 11, 2016

We had a MARVELOUS week with
Marvelous Cayden!

First, Cayden brought this super cool poster telling us all about himself...the poster even had flashing lights!!  We learned that Cayden lives with his mom, dad, and his dog, Stella.  She is a German Shepherd and LOVES to chase and play with Cayden!  Cayden has 2 sisters, cousins, and grandparents that all love him too!  Cayden loves to play baseball and is a pro and Lego building!  Cayden likes going to the lake and tubing behind the boat...brave!  Cayden has been on some great vacations!  He went to Disney World and on a cruise to Belize, Honduras, and Mexico...he even let a parrot sit on his shoulder and a monkey sit on his head!!  We loved your poster, Cayden, and learning all about you & your family!

On Tuesday, Cayden's mom and dad came and visited with our class.  Mrs. Weathers is a nurse and Mr. Weathers is a Lieutenant with the Fort Worth Police Department.

Mrs. Weathers did a germ spreading activity with us...a perfect lesson for this time of the year!!
First, she put lotion on the all the boys' hands.

Next, one student "sneezed" into his hands and got germs (glitter) all over them!

Then they shook hands with each other and saw how the germs spread from one friend to the next!!

The girls did the same activity at their table.

There were some squeals and giggles as the germs passed!

Then the boys and the girls all shook hands and saw the germs on their hands multiply!

We did a thorough hand washing after that experiment!
The kids learned to sing their ABCs twice while washing those hands!!

Next, Lieutenant Weathers told us about his job with the police department!

He brought a fellow officer with him.  His name is Officer Damon Cole.  We were honored to have them both with us.  Officer Cole travels around the country in Super Hero costumes visiting with children with cancer...what a special calling!  After time in the classroom we headed outside to get a close look at a police car...see the Superman cape in the back seat!!






(not too sure of getting in the police car!)

Officer Cole assured her the front seat is only for "good guys"!


Jackson L.




Jackson S.


Mrs. Tenery

A BIG thank you to Lieutenant & Mrs. Weathers and to Officer Cole!  What a fun morning!


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