Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Marvelous Bradley!!

Bradley brought an awesome poster to help us to get to know him better!  We learned that Bradley has three pets, one cat and two dogs.  We also learned that Bradley loves ALL sports and is especially good at putt-putt golf!  Bradley was born in Dallas and loves to swim, spend time in NYC with family,  fly kites, and much, much more!  

 This is Bradley's dad, also named Bradley! He came this morning to tell us about his career in design.

Mr. Abbott brought us drawings of one of his latest jobs.  He is designing the door to a vending machine that will be a touch screen and will sell electronic devices!

 The above picture shows several of his projects.

 All the students were allowed to touch and observe all of the devices he brought!

 Natalie is holding a flash that slips onto a camera's lens.

 These are brake lights/headlights for a bicycle!

 This is an amazing device that looks like a watch but actually has sensors on it to alert a deaf or blind person if someone rings the door bell!

This device is called a Lite Wire, and each of the kids is coming home with one! How generous!  This will charge both an iPhone and Android in about 1 hour (but not at the same time!). Simply plug it into a USB port, and it is charging your device!

These were just a few of the many designs that Mr. Abbott has worked on or is currently working on!  He is very creative and told the children that he, of course, got his creativity from God, our amazing creator...we are made in his image!

We would like to thank Bradley and his dad for a fun morning full of learning and exploring!

Thank you for taking time from your day to visit with us!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the Lite Wire, Mr. Abbott! What a neat little gadget. :) ~The Osterkamps

Unknown said...

You're more than welcome! Glad you like it! It was a very fun project, for one of my favorite clients! He's a college student in Toronto, and this was his first business venture - super exciting, and fun to help someone make their start in business :D

-Bradley Abbott

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