Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Marvelous McKenna!

We have had so much fun getting to know McKenna this week!  McKenna brought this fun poster to tell us more about herself!  We learned that McKenna and her family LOVE to dress-up together...what fun costumes!  McKenna loves to bake, do arts & crafts, have baby showers for her dolls, and read while sitting on her dog, Digs!  Her favorite candy is Milk Duds, her favorite colors are orange & white, and she likes to wear a few rubber bands on her wrist!
Thank you McKenna!!

What a fun afternoon we had with Dr. and Mrs. Booth on Monday!

First, Mrs. Booth told us about her screen printing business called "Celebrate Always"!

She told us all about how she sets up the screens and the many steps involved in making a t-shirt!  McKenna is a big help when she folds all the t-shirts for her mom!

The final result is a "Best Day Ever." t-shirt, or...

a fun bag or koozie!
Each child went home with both of those!

Next, Dr. Booth talked to us about all the important people in the hospital!  

Each child was dressed and assigned a hospital role!

Noah was our patient and he waited patiently for Harper, and ER nurse, to get her gloves on!

The operating room was prepped for its patient!

Noah came into the ER complaining of a hurt arm.

The ER nurse asked him what was bothering him.

She then told the doctor what the patient was complaining about.

Next, Noah was sent to radiology for some x-rays.

The radiologist told Noah the bad news...it was broken!

"OH NO!"  Noah was told he needed surgery!

The transporter then put Noah in a wheel chair to take him into surgery.

He was carefully placed on the operating table.

Then the anesthesiologist and CRNA carefully put the patient to sleep.

UH OH...it looks like the patient is still awake...

The anesthesiologist quickly gave some more medicine!

The nurse cleaned the area being operated on...

...and the surgical staff began the operation!

It was a delicate procedure, but was performed very well!

Next it was time to wake the patient.

Noah came out of surgery with no complications.
He was just a little tired, but he was told that was normal!

Noah then visited with the doctors and physical therapist and had a cast put on to protect his arm.

After surgery and recovery, we came together to discuss the whole procedure and all of our parts in it!  It takes a lot of important people to serve the patients at a hospital!

Thank you to the Booth Family for a super fun day!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Today in Science, we learned about the

First, we observed ice...a SOLID.

Then as the ice melted, we saw water...a LIQUID.


And, finally, we saw bubbles & steam...GASES.

We watched until...

...it all evaporated!!

We learned that it didn't all disappear...
it is actually up in the air all around us!

Try and find things around your house that are

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Marvelous Bradley!!

Bradley brought an awesome poster to help us to get to know him better!  We learned that Bradley has three pets, one cat and two dogs.  We also learned that Bradley loves ALL sports and is especially good at putt-putt golf!  Bradley was born in Dallas and loves to swim, spend time in NYC with family,  fly kites, and much, much more!  

 This is Bradley's dad, also named Bradley! He came this morning to tell us about his career in design.

Mr. Abbott brought us drawings of one of his latest jobs.  He is designing the door to a vending machine that will be a touch screen and will sell electronic devices!

 The above picture shows several of his projects.

 All the students were allowed to touch and observe all of the devices he brought!

 Natalie is holding a flash that slips onto a camera's lens.

 These are brake lights/headlights for a bicycle!

 This is an amazing device that looks like a watch but actually has sensors on it to alert a deaf or blind person if someone rings the door bell!

This device is called a Lite Wire, and each of the kids is coming home with one! How generous!  This will charge both an iPhone and Android in about 1 hour (but not at the same time!). Simply plug it into a USB port, and it is charging your device!

These were just a few of the many designs that Mr. Abbott has worked on or is currently working on!  He is very creative and told the children that he, of course, got his creativity from God, our amazing creator...we are made in his image!

We would like to thank Bradley and his dad for a fun morning full of learning and exploring!

Thank you for taking time from your day to visit with us!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Kindergarten keeps getting more exciting!!
  Today we met our awesome
BIG Buddies!!

They are 5th graders, and we're going to have lots of fun with them throughout the year!!

Our last treasure hunt lead us right to our Buddies...
Here we are meeting them for the first time!

Luis & Cayden

Jackson & Jack

McKinley, McKenna, & Ellen

Rachel, Natalie, & Vivian

Harper & Lauren (Kyra was absent)

Hattie Belle, Baylee, & Annelise

Wilson & Jackson

Wyatt & Pierce

Noah, Houston, & Judson

Bradley & Alex

Gloria, Blake, & Sarah

Madison, Annabel, & Emma

Evan & Landry