Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Super Star Scientist Malia!

Objective:   What happens to an egg in fresh water, which is less dense, versus what happens to an egg in salt water, which has a greater density?

Materials:  1 egg, glass of water (half full), 3 tablespoons (or more) of salt, utensil to mix salt in water 

Malia, the scientist, was ready to perform her experiment with all of her materials set out.

First, Malia filled a glass half full with water.

Next, her assistant, Mom, carefully placed an egg in the glass of water.

Malia watched as the egg sank to the bottom of the glass.

After that, Malia and Mom measured out 3 Tablespoons of salt...

…and added them to the glass of water.




Then Malia stirred to mix the salt and water.

(Mom assisted as Malia carefully looked on!)

Look at that…The egg floated to the top in the salt water!!

As a follow up, Malia added more water to the glass...

…and the egg floated in the middle of the glass!
(Because adding water made the mixture less dense!)

Conclusion:  The greater the density of the salt water, the higher the egg will float.

Malia, you were a great scientist!
You were able to teach us very well!
Way to go!!


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