Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Make Germs Scatter
Objective:  You should always use soap to get the germs off.

Amina was ready to go with her goggles, lab coat, and her experiment materials.  Amina used water, pepper "germs", soap, and a shallow dish.

First, Amina poured water into a dish.

Next she added "germs" (pepper) to the water.

Then Amina stuck her finger in the "germs" and showed us how they stick to her finger!

After that Amina stuck her finger in a cup of soap...

 …and then put her finger in the "germs" again. 

And look what happened this time!
The germs scattered!

Conclusion:  Always use soap when you wash your hands because the germs will scatter!

What a great experiment, Amina!
You taught us a VERY good lesson…
ALWAYS wash with soap and water!


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