Wednesday, October 30, 2013

 The 2013 Elementary Campus
Homecoming Pep Rally!!

Rah, rah, SCS!!

The pep rally started out with a generous gift of $5,400 from SCS to the the Virginia Clay Dorman Breast Care Clinic!
The money was raised through the sales of the 

Virginia Clay Dorman graciously matched our gift and made the total donation $10, 800!
With this money, the center plans to buy a blanket warmer for their patients.  It will proudly display an EAGLE on the side of it so the patients know where the generous gift came from!  Thank you to all who contributed!  What a blessing!

And then the PEP RALLY began...
the cheers rang loudly through the gym
and the school spirit was in full force!!

Our class watched on as our 
Junior Eagle Cheerleaders led us in a chant!

Then came the Middle School Cheerleaders...

and the High School Dance Team!

Next, the Drum Line really added the noise!

The High School Cheerleaders came out to cheer with us and award the Spirit Stick!
(4th grade won!)

And, finally, we ended with the School Song and Fight Song!

We hope to see everyone out at the 
Homecoming Game on Friday night!!



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