Thursday, March 28, 2013

Our Super Star Scientist...
Miss Marin McCarthy!

Marin was ready to go with her lab coat and goggles...
and eggs!!

Marin had two plates of eggs - 
one with hard boiled eggs, and the other with raw eggs
She taught us how to tell if an egg was raw or cooked by spinning it...and used the VERY SCIENTIFIC  word "inertia"!

Marin showed us that when spinning a cooked egg, it spins very fast but when you stop it, it will not continue to spin once you stop touching it because the inside is solid and no longer in motion.

However, when you spin a raw egg, although it won't spin fast, once you touch it and stop it from spinning, when you let go it will continue to spin because the inside is liquid and is still in motion.

Wow!  Are we smart in Kindergarten or what?!

Parents, that's Newton's First Law of Motion:
"an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion..."

Way to go Marin!

We loved your experiment and it went so well with our egg study this week...and Easter, of course!


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