Friday, March 31, 2017

Super Star Scientist

Experiment: Rain Cloud in a Jar
Objective:  You will learn about the water cycle and how rain is formed.
Materials:  tall clear glass, water, shaving cream, food coloring 

Super Star Scientist, Wyatt, was ready to do his experiment with all of his materials out and his safety gear on!

First, Wyatt poured water into the clear glass.

After that, he added shaving cream to the top.
This served as the "cloud".

Next, he added food coloring to the "cloud".
The food coloring served as the "rain".

As the cloud filled with "water" and couldn't hold any more, it started to "rain".

The "rain" fell from the "cloud".

Wyatt decided to add more "rain" in different colors!

The "rain" fell in all the different colors!

Wyatt...How did you get inside that glass? :)

Conclusion:  Clouds are made of many tiny rain drops.  The cloud grows heavy when it contains too many rain drops.  When the cloud gets too heavy, it releases those drops in the form of rain.


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