Friday, March 31, 2017

We had a Birthday Boy this week...
Jackson is 7!

Jackson proudly showed off his birthday card...

 ...and new age!!

We enjoyed celebrating Jackson 
with cupcakes and juice!

We hope all your birthday wishes come true!

Super Star Scientist

Experiment: Rain Cloud in a Jar
Objective:  You will learn about the water cycle and how rain is formed.
Materials:  tall clear glass, water, shaving cream, food coloring 

Super Star Scientist, Wyatt, was ready to do his experiment with all of his materials out and his safety gear on!

First, Wyatt poured water into the clear glass.

After that, he added shaving cream to the top.
This served as the "cloud".

Next, he added food coloring to the "cloud".
The food coloring served as the "rain".

As the cloud filled with "water" and couldn't hold any more, it started to "rain".

The "rain" fell from the "cloud".

Wyatt decided to add more "rain" in different colors!

The "rain" fell in all the different colors!

Wyatt...How did you get inside that glass? :)

Conclusion:  Clouds are made of many tiny rain drops.  The cloud grows heavy when it contains too many rain drops.  When the cloud gets too heavy, it releases those drops in the form of rain.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Apple Trees...
through all the seasons!





The finished projects!

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment:  Dancing Raisins
Objective:  Raisins become buoyant and float up and down when bubbles stick to the sides of them.
Materials: tall clear glass, raisins, water, 1 Tbs of baking soda, and vinegar

Evan, our scientist, had all of his materials ready and his safety goggles and lab coat on.

First, Evan's assistant, Mom, poured a cup of water in the tall, clear glass.  After that, Evan measured out 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

He carefully poured the baking soda into the water.

Next, Evan added several raisins to the water/baking soda mixture.

Then he carefully measured out and added vinegar.

He stirred it...

...and we waited by counting to 30. 

 After counting, the raisins began to dance!!

Conclusion:  Baking soda mixed with vinegar makes carbon dioxide bubbles!  The bubbles make the raisins less dense and float, or dance.  When the bubbles pop, the raisins are more dense.

Great job, Scientist Evan!
That was so much fun and definitely something we can try at home!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Super Star Scientist..
Jackson L.!

Experiment:  How do you make an egg float?
Objective:  What happens when you put an egg in fresh water? Or salt water?
Materials: water, eggs, cups, salt, tablespoon

Our scientist, Jackson, had his lab coat and goggles on and all of the materials for his experiment ready!

First, he placed an egg in a cup of fresh water, and it sank to the bottom. 

In another cup, Jackson added 4 tablespoons of salt to the water and mixed it gently.

After mixing the salt water, he placed an egg in the cup.  This time the egg floated to the top.

The cup on the right has fresh water with the egg at the bottom.  The cup on the left has the salt water with the egg floating.

Then Jackson added 4 tablespoons of salt to the 3rd cup and mixed it as well.

Next he placed an egg in that cup, but also added additional fresh water to the cup of salt water.

This time the egg floated between the fresh water and salt water.  Jackson told us that's because salt water is more dense and settles at the bottom while the fresh water sits on top...and the egg floats right between the two!

Jackson, thank you for showing us your fun experiment!
This is something we can all try at home!
Not only was it 
Dr. Seuss's Birthday
on March 2, but it was also
Miss Gillihan's Birthday!
(Miss G. turned 23, but Dr. Seuss would've been 113!)

Miss G. held up her birthday fingers to show us her age...

...and her birthday card from the class!

 Happy Birthday Miss Gillihan!
We all all your birthday wishes came true!!
We have had FUN celebrating
Dr. Seuss's 
birthday last week & this week! 

Jackson S.








Jackson L. 




