Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today we visited the Life Science Center,
aka Old MacKirk's Farm!

The last time we visited, we planted pumpkin seeds.  Well, a few sprouted, but most did not, so we had to search for our pumpkin seeds so we could replant them and try again!

Malia, Taylor, & Emma

Anna, Sam, Wyatt, & Newt

Keaton, Baylie, Daphne, & David

Libby, Zoey, Brock, & Joshua

After finding our seeds, we replanted them in bigger cups with new soil!



Sam, Wyatt, & Newt



Zoey & Libby

A few lucky girls had their seeds sprout!
Mrs. Rall helped them place them in bigger cups as well so that they could grow even more!


Malia with Mrs. Rall

Anna with Mrs. Rall

After planting, we had to take a stroll over to the chicken coop!  
I'm not sure if we were observing the chickens, or

…the chickens were observing us!!


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