Friday, March 27, 2015

Happy Birthday, Ryan!
We are so excited that you are 7 years old!

We had fun celebrating with Ryan by singing 
"Happy Birthday" and eating yummy cookie cake!

We hope all your birthday wishes come true!
Dr. Armstrong came and talked to us about
this morning!
She has 3 of her very own chickens named:
Joyce, Pearl, & Betty
She told us that Joyce is the bossy one!

Dr. Armstrong is also keeping the SCS chicks in her kitchen under a warming lamp since it's too cold outside.  They have to be kept in a 95 degree environment.

We had fun trying to guess everyones' 
Mystery Eggs! 

Rhyce - $1 bill

Addison - Shopkin

Smith - wrestling belt 

Grant - Storm Trooper

Ryan - bobby pin

Payton - a die

Amina - birthday cake

Reese - alphabet strip

Sam - a die

Thomas - dinosaur

Caoilinn - a chick

Paul - a block

Douglas - dinosaur

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Look how our farm is taking shape!
Come take a look when you're on campus…

This is our garden with the chicken coop in the background!

The greenhouse!

And our new baby chicks!

Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Magic Milk
Objective:  To find out if milk reacts to dishwashing soap.

Addison had all her materials ready to go..lab coat and goggles, too!
Her materials were:  milk, dinner plate, food coloring, dish washing soap, and Q-tips.

First, Addison poured dishwashing soap in a small cup.

Next, her assistant, Dad, poured milk onto the dinner plate.

Then they added food coloring.
First red...

then blue

then green

and last yellow.

After adding the food coloring, Addison dipped her Q-tip in the cup of dishwashing soap...

…and placed it in the milk.

Look how the colors reacted to the dish soap!
The moved away from where she placed the Q-tip!

Conclusion:  The chemicals in the dish soap cause a reaction of the food colors when mixed with the fat and protein content of the milk.

Super job, Addison!  What great experiment and pretty creation!  Thank you for sharing this with us!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Look at our spring birthday girl,

She turned 6 on March 21!

 We had fun singing to Caoilinn
and celebrating with her!

Thanks for the yummy cookies!

We hope all your 
come true!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday to Paul!
Paul had his birthday over 
Spring Break on March 13!

We are so excited to celebrate 
Paul turning 7!

Paul was excited to get his birthday card, wear the birthday crown, and show his 7 fingers!

The class always likes singing
"Happy Birthday…cha, cha, cha"!

We hope all your birthday wishes come true!
Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Volcano Eruption
Objective:  How 2 chemicals combine to make a reaction

Payton had all of her materials ready to go!
Her materials were:  vinegar, baking soda, red food coloring and a volcano made out of clay. 

First, Payton put baking soda into the center of her volcano.

Next she added the vinegar mixed with red food coloring. 

As soon as the 2 ingredients combined, "lava" started appearing!

The lava kept bubbling and overflowing out of the volcano!

Conclusion:  When vinegar was mixed with baking soda, it caused a bubbling reaction and the volcano "erupted".

That was so fun Payton!  You did a GREAT job!
We can tell you worked really hard on your experiment!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

We had a lot of fun exploring with 
MAGNETS today!  
Be sure and ask your student what they learned about the north & south poles of a magnet and what is magnetic and what is not!



Caoilinn & Rhyce

Thomas & Douglas




Addison & Paul



Paul & Sam

Payton & Reese