Monday, December 16, 2013

Marvelous Macey!!

We loved getting know Macey better by seeing the fun pictures on her poster!  We saw pictures of Macey's twin sister, Ava, and her brother, Nolan.  We learned that Macey loves horses, and went to Disney World and the Bahamas on vacation! Macey's blessed to have all her grandparents nearby and gets to spend lots of time with them! 

Macey's dad, Jeramy Williams, came to tell us all about his job as an architect.  He brought different building materials and let the kids examine them.  He showed and explained about the different concretes and stones.

He also brought his official stamps that show he's certified in several different states!

Macey loved having her daddy here to show him off!

Macey's mom, Kristin Williams, also stepped in to see us.
Mrs. Williams works in the classroom across the hall from us.
She is a teacher in the Learning Lab.
(Not pictured is Macey's grandfather, Mr. John DeMeyere.
He also works in the school in the Maintenance Department!)

A BIG thank you to the Williams Family for sharing their morning with us!


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