Thursday, August 15, 2013

Earlier this week I asked each student,
"What do you want to learn in Kindergarten?"

Well, I am going to be busy!

I need to become proficient in everything from
dog training to train engineering!

See below for your child's Kindergarten expectations!

Finley - Art...drawing pets & frogs
Christopher - How to read and do art
Delaney - How to train puppies
Will - How to drive trains
Ethan - Why do elephant use their trunks
Joseph - Why lions have whiskers
Jack - How to read (but he knows some words!)
Hannah - Learn about the WHOLE world
Haley - How to tell time
Jonathan - reading & math
Greenleigh - Learn how we like ourselves and how to help each other
Barrett - To travel the world and find where all the dinosaur bones are
Christian - How to write books
Bella - How to read
Macey - How to read books

Parents...I'm going to do my best, but I may be calling on some of you for help! :-)

It's been a fun week!


Unknown said...

Woof-Woof! Choo-Choo!

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