Friday, January 18, 2013

 We had a Birthday Girl this week!
Chandler turned 6 on
Friday, January 18!!

Chandler's mommy made yummy strawberry cupcakes to celebrate the big day!
It was such a pretty day, we ate them outside on the playground!

It was also Teddy Bear week, and boy, did they make themselves at home in our classroom!!

The bears belonging to David, Mitchell, Kyle and Luke played in the block center!

Jack's and Luka's bears took a plunge into the sand box!!

Chandler's, Jacey's, Marin's, and Madyson's bears got creative in the art center!

And, Karis', Mavanee's, and Emilie's bears had a pizza dinner together in the home center!

On Thursday night, they all huddled together on the carpet and had an early
"Teddy Bear Picnic" and feasted on Gummy Bears!!

The students LOVED the HUGE bear that Chandler brought in on Friday for her birthday and the Teddy Bear Picnic!!


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