Monday, October 29, 2012

Luke was a MARVELOUS "MARVELOUS ME" last week!

Luke told us all about his family, his Hawaiian vacation, and his baseball team!

 Luke's mom, Mrs. Skrabanek, is in pharmaceutical sales.
She came in and talked to us about the Food Pyramid and making healthy eating choices. She taught us that making smart food choices while we are young will help us stay healthy and keep us from having to take too much medicine when we get older!

Mrs. Skrabanek brought us all bananas as a HEALTHY snack!
David, Luke, Kyle, and Mitchell thought the bananas were YUMMY,
but Chandler wasn't so sure!!

A BIG thank you to Luke and his mom for a super fun week!!

We all really enjoyed the FUN Homecoming Pep Rally during Chapel last week!

Middle School Cheerleaders

High School Drum Line

Junior Eagle Cheerleaders

5th/6th Grade Football Players

Marin lost her first tooth last Thursday!  
We were so excited for her!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It was the 50th day of school...and it was cool!
We celebrated 50s style and had SO much fun!

Chandler hula hooped!

Kindergarten was so silly!

Mitchell & Madyson danced...

...and Luka and Jacey, too!

Karis and Luke were totally cool...

...and Emilie, Chandler, and Madyson worked hard writing 50 words!

Karis struck a pose in her bowling shirt...

...and Jack, Marin, Luka, and Madyson enjoyed a Root Beer Float!

Jacey and Kyle started up the sock hop again...

...with Jack and Emilie...

...and Mavanee and Mitchell...

...and Marin and Luka joined in, too!

David, Kyle, and Mavanee cooled down with Root Beer Floats too!

Monday, October 22, 2012

We had TWO more Super Readers read 15 books!
Great job Jacey and Emilie!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

This week we had Marvelous Marin!

Marin showed off her family on her fun SHINY poster!
We enjoyed learning about her mom & dad, brothers & sisters, grandparents, and cousins!

Marin's mom, Elizabeth McCarthy, is a fabulous cook!  
She and Marin made delicious cupcakes & shared them with the class!

 A BIG "thank you" to Mrs. McCarthy for spending time with us and teaching us about cooking!  We love that you introduce new foods to us each week and teach us about manners!

Marin's dad, Bob McCarthy, came to school on Friday, read us a book, and told us about his job.  Mr. McCarthy is a real-life "Bob the Builder"!!  
Mr. McCarthy's companies pour cement, build cabinets & shelving, and much more!

Mr. McCarthy brought each of the kids a kit to build either a locker or school bus at home!  He, Marin, and the class built one together and learned how to organize all the materials and read the directions.

Thank you to the McCarthys for a fun week and for sharing your time with us!!

This week we met our Freshman Bible Buddies!

We listened to the story of Noah...

acted out building the ark...

and had fun acting like pairs of animals filing aboard!

We will be meeting with our Freshman Bible Buddies several more times throughout the school year.  It's always so much fun!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Way to go Karis!!  She read 15 books!

 We had a great time on our first Field Trip!
We visited the Fort Worth Nature Center.

There was so much to see!

In the picture above, the kids were hoping to spot an alligator in the water!

Whooo!!  Whooo!!  
I think the owl was just as interested in us as we were in him!!

Mavanee found a snail shell!  
We look, but don't take, so she left it for others to find!

Ms. Charlotte taught us so much on our hike!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our Animal Habitats!!

Jacey (horse)

David (rabbit)

Marin (eagle)

Mitchell (snake)

Chandler (polar bear)

Jack (iguana)

Emilie (sea turtle)

Kyle (wolf)

Luka (paragon falcon)

Mavanee (giraffe)

Karis (cheetah)

Luke (alligator)

Madyson (dolphin)