Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day

  Welcome to Kindergarten!  

We had a great first day!  

This is where I will post pictures and give updates about our days.
Here's a picture to start the year!

A couple notes...

1.  Please remember to fill out the necessary forms and return them this week.
2.  If your child is going to be buying lunch, please circle the days and return the menu to me by tomorrow if you haven't done so already.  Thanks!
3.  Daily Folders will go home tomorrow, Tuesday, August 14.  I previously said Wednesday, but I have them ready to go early!  Please empty the contents and return them daily.


EMcCarthy said...

Love the blog idea! Great for grandparents too! Thanks for setting it up Mrs. Tenery!

Unknown said...

What fun! Thanks for the extra effort!

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