Friday, August 31, 2012

Luka was our "Marvelous Me" this week...

We have enjoyed getting to know him better and learn about his family!

Luka brought a poster that showed us his family, his favorite foods & animals,
and some of the things he enjoys doing!

Luka's dad, Daniel Burciu, brought in x-rays to show us.  He works at Huguley Hospital.
He brought in x-rays of many different bones...even broken ones!
He also entertained the class by showing them x-rays of a watch and mouse!

This is a You Tube video of an x-ray. 
 It shows a patient eating and swallowing food & liquids.
If you would like to view it, you can search "My X Ray Swallows".  It is really interesting!

Mrs. Monica Burciu is leaving this weekend to do mission work in Hondurus.
Please keep her in your prayers for a safe & successful trip.

Thank you Burciu Family!!

Next week's "Marvelous Me" is Emilie Epps!!

Quote of the week by Luke Skrabanek...

"I love the smell of this classroom.  
It smells like gummies!"

Thank you to Mr. Kunkel, Chandler's dad, for coming and helping with 
Ice Cream Friday.  Your help is very appreciated!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Attention Parents, Grandparents, Aunts & Uncles...

Our school collects...

Box Tops for Education
Just collect them in a baggie and bring them to me.
The collection continues through April for this school year.
(It's also a competition between grade levels...the winning grade receives a prize!)


I volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House 
and would love for you to collect pull tabs for their charity.

These can also be collected in a baggie and brought to me.
I volunteer the 2nd Wednesday of each month by cooking dinner for the residents.
If you would like information about volunteering at the RMH, I'd be happy to help!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This week in Science we have been learning about...
The States of Matter
(solid, liquid, and gas)

Your Kindergartener should be able to give you examples of each...please take a moment and ask!

Today we watched ICE (solid), turn to WATER (liquid), then to STEAM (gas) as we heated it up in a skillet.  We observed our experiment until the water completely evaporated!  

Friday, August 24, 2012

Upcoming Events...

Wednesday, August 29
Uniform Picture Day
Class Picture Day

Monday, September 3
Labor Day - No School

Friday, September 21
Early Release (11:30 am)

Next week's "Marvelous Me" is...Luka!!

Quote of the David Smith
Mrs. Tenery - "I'm not sure why the lower case 'l's look like that.  They kind of look like '1's."
David - "I know why Mrs. Tenery.  I think they're written in Spanish".

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kyle is our "Marvelous Me" this week...

We have enjoyed getting to know him better and learn about his family!

Kyle brought a poster with pictures of him and his's in the shape of a "K" for Kyle!

 Mr. Bairrington came and told us about his job.  He's a landscaper.  
He takes care of the SCS property!

We were each given a shovel (that we got to keep!), and we all helped plant a tree!
We'll be able to watch it grow as the years pass and know we all had a part in it!

A BIG THANK YOU  to the Bairringtons for a "MARVELOUS" week!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We're losing teeth like crazy this week!!
Emilie lost a tooth today at school...
Our 2nd this week!
She went to see Nurse Moore and got a treasure box!

This week in science, we are learning about and exploring with scientific tools.
So far we've used goggles, magnifying glasses, and balances.
We have quite the little scientists in here!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Karis lost her FIRST tooth today!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Math Centers!
We have fun while we work!

Please remember to turn in all of your "beginning of the year" forms including PTO membership and Ice Cream money if you would like your child to participated in "Ice Cream Fridays".

Homework will begin next week.  Please remember to look for your child's homework packet in his/her Take Home Folder on Monday.

We have had a GREAT first week!  The kids have all settled into our classroom routines wonderfully!

Next week is our First "Marvelous Me"...Kyle Bairrington!!
We will look forward to getting to know Kyle and his family better!

Your child should be able to recite our Bible verse for the week...please ask him/her to tell you!
"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

Have a SUPER weekend, and I'll see everyone on Monday!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

First "Big" Chapel!

We attended our first BIG Chapel today!  Mr. Kirk complimented Kindergarten TWICE for sitting so nicely and paying attention!  We learned proper chapel behavior, watched a silly skit performed by a few of our favorite teachers/staff, listened to a message from Dr. Armstrong, and sang a praise & worship song!  
P.S.  I have a video of our class singing, but am having a little trouble uploading it.  As soon as I figure it out, I will add it to our blog.

Student Quote of the Week by Mitchell McBroom...

"Mrs. Tenery, how about we go to centers so you can sit down and rest."

(Kindergarten is so fun!!)

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day

  Welcome to Kindergarten!  

We had a great first day!  

This is where I will post pictures and give updates about our days.
Here's a picture to start the year!

A couple notes...

1.  Please remember to fill out the necessary forms and return them this week.
2.  If your child is going to be buying lunch, please circle the days and return the menu to me by tomorrow if you haven't done so already.  Thanks!
3.  Daily Folders will go home tomorrow, Tuesday, August 14.  I previously said Wednesday, but I have them ready to go early!  Please empty the contents and return them daily.