Wednesday, February 22, 2017

We are having so much fun learning about
the USA!  We are studying our presidents, Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, as well as many American symbols!

Annelise, Wyatt, and Harper

Annabel, Cayden, and Blake

Natalie, Jackson L, and Haydn

Wyatt, McKenna, and Evan

Bradley, Noah, and Cayden

Natalie, Jackson S., and McKenna

Meet our Student Teacher...
Miss Nicole Gillihan!

Hello everyone! My name is Nicole Gillihan, and I am a senior education major at Texas Wesleyan University! I am FINALLY at the end of my college program, which means being a clinical teacher! I did my first placement in Mrs. Howard’s third grade classroom, and I am thrilled to be spending my second placement with Mrs. Tenery’s kindergarten class. Here are a few things I enjoy: photography (I photograph weddings and portraits professionally), baseball (since I’m from Kansas City, I’m a big Royals fan), and all things Disney! I look forward to learning from the best and being a part of this class!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Super Star Scientist

Experiment: Smokey Bubbles
Objective: What happens when you put dry ice in soapy water?
Materials:  plastic container, water, dish soap, dry ice

Our scientist has all of her materials ready & her safety gear on!

First she added dish soap to the hot water.

Then she stirred and mixed it up.

After that she CAREFULLY carried dry ice over...

...and placed it into the soapy water. 

Once the dry ice settled in the water, bubbles started forming!

The bubbles multiplied...

...and multiplied!

Our scientist got very excited as the bubbles starting spilling out of her container!

Wow, Annelise!  What fun that was!
We were all able to touch the bubbles, too!

 A BIG thank you to Annelise and her assistant, Dad, for such a fun morning learning about carbon dioxide gas!

Conclusion: When carbon dioxide gas is released from the dry ice, it causes a chemical reaction which makes the water bubble.  Carbon dioxide gets trapped in the soapy water.  Vapor releases and it appears as smokey bubbles.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

V is for Vest!
It's Vest Day in Kindergarten...
they're vibrant and very fun!








Jackson L.

Jackson S.


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

BIG Chapel!
February 15, 2017

...seeing our Kindergartens show God's love in front of the entire school!

McKenna - Love is giving compliments to people.
Natalie - Love is spending time with family.

Blake - Love is hugs and kisses.
Noah - Love is sharing money with people who don't have any.

Jackson L. - Love is sharing your house with others.
Evan - Love is feeling good about someone.

Wyatt - Love is giving people food who need food.
Jackson S. - Love is helping friends do the right thing.

Annabel - Love is giving a Band-Aid to a hurt friend.
Haydn - Love is my new friends at SCS.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment: Skittles Science
Objective:  What will happen if you put Skittles in water?
Materials:  paper plate, Skittles candy, and water

Noah and his assistant, Dad, had all the supplies ready for his super fun science experiment...Skittles Science!

First, Scientist Noah started lining the outer edge of the paper plate with the  Skittles.  

He continued until they were around the entire plate...

...concentrating to make sure they were straight and all the way around!

After that, Noah's assistant poured water around the edge where the Skittles were lined up.


Then we waited and observed to see what would happen!

We saw the colors start to dissolve and run...

...and make a really cool pattern...

...until all the colors came together in the middle of the plate!

Look at how fun this turned out!!
Each student got to try it out and make their own patterns!
So fun!

Conclusion:  Skittles are made of sugar that are prone to dissolve in water and the colors "run" to make fun patterns.

*For extra fun, try different candies or see what candy dissolves the quickest.*

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Super Star Scientist...

Experiment: Egg Trick
Objective:  When hot air cools, it will create a vacuum
Materials:  egg, bottle, hot water

Natalie, our scientist, had her materials ready and her safety goggles and lab coat on!

First, Natalie read the list of materials and experiment steps from her lab report.

Next, her assistant, Dad, helped pour hot water into the bottle.

After that, they poured the hot water out of the bottle.

Then they placed a hard boiled egg onto the opening of the bottle.

We waited and watched... the egg was s-l-o-w-l-y squeezed...

...down into the bottle...

...a little further...until... went all the way down inside!!

Conclusion:  A vacuum happens because the cooling air needs less space in the bottle.

What a fun experiment, Natalie!