Thursday, October 27, 2016

50 FABULOUS days of school!

Here's a little look into our celebration of the 5oth day of school!
We had cute girls in poodle skirts and cool boys with slicked back hair!

Noah, Blake, and Jackson S.

Bradley and Annabel

Wyatt and McKenna

Evan and Natalie

Cayden and Harper

Jackson L. and Annelise

Sock Hop Fun!

Cayden and McKenna

Annelise and Noah

Wyatt and Harper

Blake and Bradley

Annabel and Evan

The Jacksons and Natalie :)
We celebrated a Birthday Boy today!
Jackson S. turned the BIG 6!!

Jackson proudly showed us his new age by the calendar!
Day 52 in Kindergarten and he's already 6 years old!

And what a fun birthday treat...lunch with mom!!
(and Cayden1)

To end our fun celebration of Jackson, we headed out side for a yummy cupcake treat!

Happy Birthday, Jackson!
We hope all your wishes come true!
What a MARVELOUS week we are having with

Wyatt brought this cool black and silver poster to show us all about his family and favorite things!  Wyatt was born in Texas and has already visited 14 states!  Wyatt is the youngest of 3 boys...his brothers are twins!  Wyatt has some favorite - soccer, color - silver, food - chicken nuggets, vacation - Florida, teams - TCU & Cowboys, movie - Jurassic Park, snack - Pirate's Booty, and school - SCS!  Wyatt wants to be a scientist like his dad when he grows up!  Wyatt is very athletic, too.  He plays tennis, baseball, soccer, basketball, and football.  Wyatt also loves to swim and snow ski!  Wow, are a busy, active boy!

Wyatt's mom and dad came and spent time with us on Thursday morning.

Wyatt's mom told us about her job as a party planner and all about the sports Wyatt likes to play.

Their favorite sport to play together is tennis!

They showed us how they warm up and get ready to play and then let a couple friends try it out!

Jackson S.


Then they told us about a fun game of tennis they play as a family called "PDT" (Pittman Driveway Tennis)!  
They even showed us how they play!

Next, Mr. Pittman told us about his career as a scientist!

He studies DNA and when things are wrong he and the other scientists find ways to fix it!  He taught us a very interesting fact...each of our hands has 2.5 billion cells!!  Wow! That's a lot!

After that, he showed us a fun experiment with alka seltzers and water!  

Wyatt was his assistant and placed the alka seltzer in a small canister of water.  

Next, he placed the lid on the canister...

...and the gas expanded and blew the top right off!

After that, he let each of the students give it a try!
They, of course, wore their safety goggles!




Jackson L. & Bradley

Blake & Annabel

Noah & Jackson S.

Natalie, Evan, & Harper

 A HUGE thank you to the Pittman family for a super fun morning!  We appreciate the time you spent with us!

Wyatt is showing the fun bag of his favorite things that he gave to each of his classmates...thank you Wyatt!!
Animal Habitat Projects

Each project was amazing!  
The kids did a great job presenting and told us lots of 
good information about their animals! 

Thank you parents for your support with this project.
I can tell a lot of effort was put into the learning process!

Wyatt - jaguar

Jackson S. - chipmunk

Jackson L. - bobcat

Bradley - toucan

Annabel - lobster

Natalie - giraffe

Noah - eagle

Annelise - elephant

Evan - snake

Harper - fox

Blake - horse

McKenna - monkey

Cayden - tiger