Friday, January 30, 2015

Way to go

Caoilinn & Ryan!

You are Super Star readers!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Paul has had a busy week…

First, he lost a tooth...

…then he earned his Super Star Reader Sundae!

 Look at all the creative ways the students
showed 100!!













(Since he was absent on 100s day, he celebrated the 101st day!)

We also counted out 100 snacks!
20-chocolate chips
20-Fruit Loop Bloopers

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Cork Rocket
Objective:  What will happen to a cork in the top of a bottle when you mix vinegar and baking soda together in a bottle?

To begin, Thomas measured out 2 oz of vinegar…

…and poured it into the empty bottle.

Next he measured 1 teaspoon of baking soda,

poured it onto a paper towel square, 

and wrapped it up.

After that, Thomas dropped the wrapped paper towel into the bottle with the vinegar.

He then quickly inserted the cork loosely into the top of the bottle.

The mixture of vinegar and baking soda quickly started to produce a gas indicated by the bubbles!

Thomas then moved back and we all waited for a quick moment…and the cork shot out of the top of the bottle!!

(We tried 3 times to catch an image of the shooting cork, but it was too quick!)

Conclusion:  As vinegar and baking soda mix, it makes a gas.  When the gas builds in the bottle, it blows the cork out!

You were well prepared and did a GREAT job,
Scientist Thomas!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Miss Terryn Aney

Miss Aney is a 5th year senior at TCU and is working toward becoming a teacher!
She will be in our classroom each Wednesday from 
12:30-2:00 observing, working with the students, and getting hands-on experience in the classroom.

We are so excited to have her with us this semester!

Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Fantastic Foamy Fountain
Objective:  How to create an exothermic reaction

First, Ryan and his assistant, Mom, carefully measured out hydrogen peroxide...

…and poured it into the plastic soda bottle. 

Next, he added a tablespoon of dish soap to the bottle.

Then Ryan added 8 drops of blue food coloring to the mixture.

After that, Ryan shook the bottle to thoroughly mix the three ingredients in the bottle.

Now the fun part!  
Ryan added a yeast mixture, the catalyst or "helper", 
to the mixture in the bottle...

…and we watched the blue foam erupt...

…and erupt…

…and erupt some more!! 

What a fun experiment, Ryan!
Ryan told us the experiment is nicknamed
"Elephant Toothpaste"!!

Conclusion:  The yeast helps to create the reaction to remove oxygen from the hydrogen peroxide to create foam and heat.

Super job, Scientist Ryan!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We went out to the garden today and got to see all the new additions to the area!

This is the new "barn"!
It will have picnic tables so we can have lessons outside!
There is also storage for all the gardening equipment.

Below is the future spot for our chicken coop!
We will be collecting eggs before you know it!

Behind the wooden fence, we will be growing a fruit tree!

This is the future site for our greenhouse!

Look carefully…we have broccoli growing! 

We also have onions growing!

I'll continue to keep you posted on the farm's progress!

Way to go Rhyce!
You are a Super Star Reader!

Keep up the hard work!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Look how fun our Teddy Bears are!
When we came in this morning they were in the middle of a baseball game on our class rug!

Our Teddy Bear picnic was a lot of fun, too!
We spread out our blankets and lunches and enjoyed eating with our bears and watching a couple episodes of The Bernstein Bears!

Our first 
Super Star Scientist

Experiment:  Oil & Water
Objective:  To see if oil dissolves in water to form a solution

First, Paul poured oil into a bottle with colored water.

Next, he shook the bottle to mix the water and oil.

Then we waited and observed

…and saw the water and oil separate!

Paul taught us that water is heavier than oil so the water settled at the bottom and the oil on top!

Though the two seem to mix, when shaken, they separate when the jar is put down.  The oil floats on top because it weighs less.

Great job, Scientist Paul!
You did a SUPER job!!

Thank you to our scientist's special assistants,
his mom and uncle!  Paul's uncle was visiting from Philadelphia…what a treat!