Thursday, November 20, 2014

We'll miss you Sam!

This weekend Sam is going to California for surgery.  He won't be in class with us for a few weeks, so we sent him off with snacks, toys, and sweet notes so he won't get bored…or hungry…while he's away from us!

We prayed for Sam as a class and ask that you keep him in your family's prayers over the next few weeks as he has surgery and recovers.

We had a few visitors this week in Kindergarten!

We got to see our Freshman Bible Buddies on Wednesday and had lots of fun listening to a story, doing a craft, and having a snack!

We also had a special visitor, Greenleigh, who is a BIG first grader.  She came and read us a story!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Last, but absolutely not least, we have…
Marvelous Rhyce!
Rhyce is having a MARVELOUS week as MARVELOUS ME!
We have had so much fun learning more about Rhyce and her family!

Rhyce brought a super fun HOT PINK heart shaped poster showing pictures of her family, pets, and favorite things!  We learned that Rhyce is 2 minutes older that her twin sister, Rhyan, and they went as cute little pumpkins on their first Halloween!  Rhyce also has 2 older siblings…Turner, her big brother, is 15 and Taylor, her big sister, is 14.  Rhyce brought a picture of her mommy and daddy at their wedding…she's a little upset she wasn't there! :) We also learned that Rhyce has 2 cats and 2 dogs.  Some of Rhyce's favorite foods are Lifesavers, lollipops, donuts, and Chinese food!

Rhyce's mom came and told us about her job as a "home mom" (as Rhyce refers to her!), and since her dad is out of town on business, her mom told us about his job as a Financial Planner.  He sent the message to the kids that they should be saving money now so they can have more money later!

Rhyce's sister, Rhyan, told our class that she was actually supposed to be born first, but Rhyce pushed her out of the way so that she would be first!!  

Rhyce's dad sent a water bottle and squishy lightening bolt from his company for each student to take home!

And to top off a MARVELOUS week, Rhyce also earned her ice cream sundae for reading 15 more books!
Keep up the MARVELOUS reading, Rhyce!

A BIG thank you to Rhyce and her family for a MARVELOUS week!  I know Tenery the Turtle  is going to have lots of fun visiting your house this weekend!

With this COLD weather, we decided we needed a FIRE to help keep us warm!
The kids insist it is warming them up!

Addison, Sam, Amina, & Smith

Rhyce, Grant, Ryan, & Caoilinn

Paul, Reese, Thomas, Douglas, & Payton

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Look at this Super Star Reader!
Grant earned another sundae for reading 
15 more books!
Keep up the great work!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Marvelous Douglas!
Douglas had a MARVELOUS week as MARVELOUS ME!
We had fun learning more about him and his family!

Douglas brought an awesome poster full of pictures of his family and favorite things!  We learned that Douglas has been on some great vacations to SeaWorld, Disney World, and the beach for some boogie boarding!  Douglas also plays several sports…he plays baseball & soccer, he golfs, and he bowls!  He even has his very own bowling ball that's painted like a shark…so cool!  Douglas is a Rangers fan (yay!) and a fan of  West Virginia.  Douglas had a recent fun day at the zoo and saw AND heard the lions roaring…that's exciting! Douglas loves his family and loves his dog, Muchito!  Douglas Frazier was named after a man named, Dr. Frazier…he is very special to his family.

We had a great time with Douglas' mom and dad.
They told us all about their jobs regarding cool airplanes!
Douglas' dad designs airplanes and his mom builds them!  Isn't that cool!  

They showed us pictures of all different kinds of aircraft!

Then they brought an airplane for each of us and showed us how to put it together…we did some practice flights around the classroom!

Parents…did you see a plane like this come home with your child yesterday?!

Each student got the opportunity to try on a real F-16 pilot's helmet…wow!  It's about a $20,000 helmet…we were VERY careful with it! :)














A BIG thank you to Douglas and his family for a fun morning!

I wonder if Tenery the Turtle will be flying above us in an 
F-16 this weekend?!  Whatever they do, I'm sure they'll have a great time together!

Look at Smith!
Keep up the great reading, Smith!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Since it was raining outside, Mrs. Spaeder, our science lab teacher, brought the garden to our classroom. 
We all got to smell ROSEMARY that she picked from our very own SCS garden!

Some of us liked the smell and said it smelled "sweet" and "minty"!
Others didn't like the smell and said it smelled like "dirty feet"!

Next we used our 5 senses to notice the difference between 

And when we tasted them…

…some liked them…

…and some didn't!!

We did all agree that the FRESH CARROTS
were much better than the 
 and more nutritious too!

What fun we had with our 
5th grade Big Buddies
Our Big Buddies are from 
Mr. Gibson's Class!

Smith, Mason, & Christian

Sam, Price, & Jeremy

Taralyn & Addison

London, Caoilinn, & Marilyn

Douglas & David

Julia, Rhyce, & Georgia

Payton & Emerson

Abbi, Sophia (Amina's buddy), Jasmin, & Reese

Jack, Thomas, & Christopher

Grant & Tyler

Luke & Ryan

Finn, Lane, & Paul