Tuesday, February 26, 2013

V is for Vest

What a vision we were in our vests!
Every student was very visibly excited!

Notice we posed in the shape of a "v"!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jack Greer
Our Super Star Scientist of the Week!!

Jack had all his materials ready including:
hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, yeast, & food coloring...
and, of course, his goggles and lab coat!

 Our scientist carefully measured and poured...

mixed and....

showed us that everything as a "reaction"!

Thanks for showing us this fun experiment,
Scientist Jack!!

We are proudly standing for our country!

We are learning all about the U.S.A.
National Symbols, and President's Day!

Mavanee, Jack, Karis, Luke, and Kyle
stand tall with their George Washington hats!

Our 3rd Birthday Kid of February...

Mavanee turned the BIG 6 on February 19!!

Mavanee proudly holds up her 6 fingers and her 
birthday card!

Thanks for the yummy cookie cake!
We enjoyed it SO much...especially all the frosting!!

Mavanee's sweet BIG BUDDY, Maggie, came by to wish her a
very Happy Birthday!

We hope all your Birthday Wishes 
come true!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day
From Mrs. Tenery's Class!!

The kids had fun delivering and reading all their Valentine's cards and goodies!

What a SWEET TREAT we got!!
A Chocolate Fountain to dip fruit and pretzels in!!

See below a few of the faces that enjoyed this treat...



...and Mavanee

... and Luka did a little dipping,

 while Jacey...

...and Luke

...and Madyson

...and Karis & Mrs. Jones

...and Jack

...and Emilie did a little eating!!

 We have a Valentine Birthday Girl in our classroom!!

Marin McCarthy turned 6 today!!!

The Birthday Girl!!

Marin brought pizza and a cookie cake to share with the class!  We enjoyed our special lunch and treat!!

Marin blew out her candle and made a wish after we sang
"Happy Birthday" to her!!

Thanks for letting us celebrate with you, Marin!
We hope all your wishes come true!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

 Introducing this week's Super Star Scientist...

Miss Mavanee Franks!!

Mavanee did a great job and knew her experiment well!

(She was also gracious enough to allow another Kindergarten class come watch her perform her experiment!)

Mavanee had all her materials ready and her safety goggles and lab coat on!

Our scientist carefully poured water into a cup...

 ...then placed a sturdy note card on it and turned the cup upside down.

The card "stuck" to the cup even upside down!

Our scientist explained that the card stayed because of the air pressure inside the cup!

Way to go Mavanee!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Our Super Star Scientist,
was EXPLOSIVE yesterday!!

Emilie carefully measured and mixed vinegar...

and baking soda in a bottle, then stopped up the bottle with a cork....

and waited for the cork to go flying!!

Her experiment, the Cork Rocket, was so much fun!!

Her classmates asked her to perform it several times!

Thanks Emilie!!  Your experiment was a BLAST!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We have another BIG 6 year old in our class!
Kyle Bairrington 
had a birthday on Monday, February 4, 2013!!

Kyle proudly showed us how old he turned!!

We celebrated with Kyle by singing and eating 
a fun birthday cookie cake... Yummmmmy!

We hope all of Kyle's birthday wishes come true!!