Friday, September 28, 2012

 Our Marvelous Me...Karis!

We enjoyed Karis' fun poster showing us all her favorite things like...
her family, fishing, skiing, Disneyland, and boogie boarding!

Mr. Jones taught us all about his job as a civil engineer.  We learned how water gets from rivers to our faucets in our homes and then back to the rivers!
We even got "engineer scales" to measure things ourselves!

Karis was so excited to have her mom and dad here with her today!

Mrs. Jones told us about her upcoming marathon and fundraising for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.  We each got a bracelet for the LLS!

Thank you to the Jones family for spending your morning with us!

We had two more teeth come out this week!
We are keeping the Tooth Fairy busy!

Jack and Mavanee

Madyson proudly shows her Ice Cream Sundae...

She has read 15 books so far this year!  Way to go!

Luka and Madyson show the "octopus" they ate today in class to go along with our animal unit in science! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

 Congratulations Readers!!

Luka, Marin, and Kyle enjoyed their ICE CREAM SUNDAES for successfully reading 15 books!  Good job and keep up the hard work!

I know the others are working hard to earn theirs soon too!

We enjoyed a beautiful morning outside at 
"See You At The Pole"!

We sang together "Here I am to Worship".

We prayed for our country and its leaders, our school, our families, and had private prayer time to pray for individual needs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our Birthday Girl...Emilie is 6!

We were so excited to celebrate with Emilie today!

We had a sweet treat of sprinkled donuts!

Jack is our Marvelous Me this week!

Jack worked hard on his poster showing us some of his favorite things including...his family, super heroes, legos, his battle scenes, and much more!

We enjoyed learning more about Jack and his family!

Mr. and Mrs. Greer came to tell us about their jobs, too.
Mr. Greer is an accountant for Radio Shack and stressed the importance of math to the students.  
Mrs. Greer works at Children's Hospital in Dallas with autistic children helping them talk and play.  
She talked to us about how we're all different and special.

Mrs. Greer also read us a book called Giraffes Can't Dance.

The Greers brought each student bubbles (a "toy" ALL kids enjoy) 
and a highlighter (for Bible verses)!

Thank you to the Greer family for spending time with us this morning.
We appreciate you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Jack lost a tooth today!
(With a little help & tugging from Nurse Moore and Mrs. Tenery!)

Friday, September 14, 2012

We've had a GREAT week in Kindergarten!

Here are a few things we've been up to...

Mavanee (aka Joseph) wore her beautiful coat of many colors while the rest of the class (aka Joseph's brothers) showed their "jealous" faces!  We have been enjoying our Bible lessons and learning all about Joseph and his strong relationship with God to get himself through hard times.

 (Madyson with Marina)

We also met our Big Buddies this week!  
They are 6th graders from Mrs. Gingras' class.
We'll be meeting with them throughout the year to do activities together!

(Jack with Tatum & Ben)

On Friday, we learned how to do a word search.
We had lots of fun practicing on the SMART board.
Afterward, we each did one on our own and "searched" for our sight words!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Our Marvelous Me...Mavanee Franks!

What fun we've had learning more about Mavanee and her family!

Mavanee brought a colorful poster to show us all about her life!

Mr. Franks told us about his job at Cash America and brought us all some goodies!!  We got rulers, pencils, rings, and bookmarks!  What a treat!

Mrs. Franks told us all about her job at SCS as the Curriculum Coordinator.
She also told us about Mavanee's adoption and other AWESOME people that were adopted, Moses, John Lennon, Babe Ruth, Steve Jobs, 
Bill Clinton, and Superman!  She even talked about how all of us are connected to adoption as told in the Bible...

A BIG thank you to the Franks family for sharing their time with us!

Friday, September 7, 2012

This week in our Bible lesson, we talked about the hard times Joseph experienced.
We then spent time talking about hard times we've been through.
We each had a partner to confide in.

We know that God helps us in hard times.

Kyle and Mavanee

Jack and Marin

Quote of the week...

"This is the best time to talk about God because we're coloring a picture about God."  Luka Burciu

Please remember to start practicing Word Set #4 
this weekend.

A Progress Report went home today in your child's backpack.  We are all progressing well!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today in class we made...
American Flags!
(graham crackers, white icing, blueberries, & Twizzlers)

Chandler and Karis show their masterpieces!

Emilie is our Marvelous Me this week!

We have enjoyed learning all about Emilie and her family!

Look at her cute heart-shaped poster...we loved all the pictures!!

Emilie's dad, Mr. Epps, came and told us about his job.
He takes care of the golf course at Mira Vista!

He brought each of us a Mira Vista golf ball and grass from a putting green!
Your child can take care of it and watch it grow!

Thank you Epps family for taking the time to let us get to know you better!

Next week's Mavelous Me will be Mavanee Franks!

I would like to introduce to you...

Miss Kori Tess Bairrington!

She was born yesterday, September 5, 2012.

Big Brother, Kyle, is ready to take on his new role!

Congratulations Bairrington Family...we are anxious to meet her!

Our prayers are with your family!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wondering what we're all looking at?

It's toad feeding time!!

Our 2 fire-bellied toads were snacking on live crickets!

 (Friday, August 31)

Today, we started TLC.  TLC is a listening and following directions activity.
The circles on the traffic signal started out as squares.
We also learned the word "vertical".

Luke is proudly showing his final project!

Great job to everyone for turning their homework in on time!

Remember...tomorrow the students will be reciting their memory verse to me.

"...always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."
1Thessalonians 5:15