Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas to You and Yours
Mrs. Tenery's Class!!

May your holidays be bright and your New Year filled with many blessings!!

Please keep Kyle in your prayers over the holiday season.
He's been home sick all week.
We have all sure missed him and pray for him to start feeling better very soon!

I will look forward to seeing everyone on
Wednesday, January 9, 2013!

Monday, December 17, 2012

We had a very special visitor today!
Santa Claus 
came to our classroom!

The kids are SURE they're on the NICE list, but they asked Santa just to be sure!!

Thank you for your generosity! 
 Our class collected 18 pairs of pajamas to donate!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 students 
12:12 pm!!!

The kids worked hard making their 
Advent Chains 
to count down the days to Jesus' Birthday!

Each night they should tear off a link and say a prayer!
In no time it will be Christmas!!!  Joy to World!!

Jacey and Karis show off their red and green chains!!

We sure enjoyed celebrating 
Luke's 6th Birthday!!  

We sang and ate YUMMY cookie cake with him!!

Our "Number Bingo" Winners!!

Luke, Emilie, Jacey, and Mitchell

Friday, December 7, 2012

We always LOVE when our 
Freshman Bible Buddies
come and visit us!

Mavanee and David

Madyson, Jack, Luka, and Marin

Mitchell, Jacey, and Chandler

Luke, Kyle, Karis, and Emilie

With suitcases and passports in hand, we traveled around the world to learn how different countries celebrate Christmas!

We "flew" to Italy, The Netherlands (Holland), France, Sweden, Russia, England, and Germany!

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Gingerbread Man jumped onto the globe and pointed right at the country we've been learning about this week...Mexico!

We had fun ending our week learning about Mexico by celebrating with a piƱata!

See all the pictures below of us taking our best swings at it!!













Thursday, November 29, 2012

 The Gingerbread Man has been sneaking all over our classroom!  He knows these kids love gingerbread cookies!  We all love searching for him each morning!

Kyle lost his second tooth this week!
We sure are giving the Tooth Fairy a lot of work!

We enjoyed singing and dancing this week in Big Chapel with the High School Praise Band!

Yummmm....we cooked again this week with 
Mrs. McCarthy!

Since we have been learning about Mexico this week, we had a lesson in tortilla and quesadilla making!  The class voted that flour tortillas are more tasty and then helped make cheese quesadillas!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We read The Gingerbread Man in class yesterday.
This morning after P.E., we came into the classroom and found the Gingerbread Man hiding in the "O" in our "Welcome" sign!
He hides because he's a little worried we may eat him!  Yum...we tasted gingerbread cookies yesterday afternoon so I think that makes him nervous!

We'll post more pictures this week showing all the places we find him hiding in our classroom!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We enjoyed a DELICIOUS feast with our 6th Grade Big Buddies from Mrs. Gingras' Class!  The Kindergarteners were the Pilgrims and the 6th Graders were the Indians...even the teachers participated by dressing the parts!  
Thank you to all the parents who contributed food...everything was wonderful.  












Our Feast!

Silly Pilgrim girls...Marin, Emilie, Mavanee, and Chandler!

All the Pilgrims!